Equipment & Instrumentation
An overview of key pieces of equipment and instrumentation available to researchers in Dr. Lunte's laboratories
Microdialysis Equipment
One CMA 400 syringe pump, one CMA 102 syringe pump and a BAS beehive – syringe driver controller (MD-1020) with 4 baby bee syringe drives (MD-1001), a UniSwitch liquid switch syringe selector (MD-1508) and an automated dual-channel refrigerated fraction collector (Honeycomb).
BAS LC-4B and seven BAS LC-4C potentiostats, three CHI 812c electrochemical analyzers, one BAS epsilon detectors, faraday cages, two Pinnacle Technologies wireless, isolated potentiostats, two DropSens wireless, isolated bipotentiostats, and one Micrus wireless isolated potentiostat.
Power Supplies for CE and microchip
Two Jenway 4 output (bipolar) 0–5 kV high voltage power supplies, thirteen 30kV Spellman power supplies, and three 30kV 4 output UltraVolt power supplies controlled via National Instruments hardware (USB-6229) and software. An additional 15 kV power supply without NI hardware.
Microscopy for cell analysis
Westover scientific series 8 light microscope.
Microchip fabrication and evaluation
One Labconco vertical clean bench, one Carl Zeiss Axiolab microscopes equipped with fluorescence accessories and a Nikon Eclipse Ti inverted fluorescent microscope with Roper Scientific CoolSnap monochrome CCD with video monitor and Stream Pix data acquisition for quantitative analysis.
Conventional CE systems
Agilent 7100 CE-UV system with diode array UV absorbance and eDAQ C4D conductivity detection.
Conventional HPLC systems
Three Shimadzu LC-20AD pumps, seven Shimadzu SPD-10AV UV detectors, one Shimadzu RF-10AXL fluorescence detector, two Jasco FP-2020 Plus fluorescence detectors, and one Jasco FP-920 fluorescence detector.
Mass Spec system
Thermo Scientific LTQ XL linear ion trap mass spectrometer.
Microchip LIF systems
Two Nikon Eclipse Ti-U inverted epi-fluorescence microscopes with LIF microchip systems utilizing one 445 nm and one 488 nm diode lasers from Phoxx and Spectra Physics, respectively, and two Hamamatsu R1527 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) coupled to Pacific Instruments 2 kV power supplies and Stanford Research Systems SR570 signal amplifiers. Two National Instruments USB-6229 hardware modules and software are used for power supply control and data acquisition. Labsmith system with power supply, nanoliter pump, valving system and detection system.
FormLabs Form 2 SLA 3-D printer.