Journal articles, meeting proceedings, books and book chapters by Sue Lunte and group members over the past 4 decades
Journal Articles & Meeting Proceedings
Weerasekara D.B. and Lunte, S.M., Separation and Detection of Tyrosine and Phenylalanine-derived Oxidative Stress Biomarkers Using Microchip Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection. Electroanalysis. (2021) DOI: 10.1002/elan.202100580
Caruso, G., Benatti, C., Musso, N., Fresta, C.G., Fidilio, A., Spampinato, G., Brunello, N., Bucolo, C., Drago, F., Lunte, S.M., Peterson, B.R., Tascedda, F. and Caraci, F., Carnosine Protects Macrophages against the Toxicity of Aβ1-42 Oligomers by Decreasing Oxidative Stress. Biomedicines. (2021) Apr 26;9(5):477.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Costantino, A., Lazzarino, G., Amorini, A.M., Lazzarino, G., Tavazzi, B., Lunte, S.M., Dhar, P., Gulisano, M. and Caraci, F., Lung Surfactant Decreases Biochemical Alterations and Oxidative Stress Induced by a Sub-Toxic Concentration of Carbon Nanoparticles in Alveolar Epithelial and Microglial Cells. Int J Mol Sci. (2021) Mar 7;22(5):2694.
Caruso, G., Musso, N., Grasso, M., Constantino, A., Lazzarino, G., Tascedda, F., Gulisano, M., Lunte, S.M. and Caraci, F., Microfluidics as a novel tool for biological and toxicological assays in drug discovery processes: focus on microchip electrophoresis. Micromachines, (2020) 11 (6) 593.
Gunawardhana, S.M., Bulgakova, G.A., Barybin, A.M., Thomas, S.R. and Lunte, S.M., Progress toward the development of a microchip electrophoresis separation based sensor with electrochemical detection for on-line in vivo monitoring of catecholamines, Analyst (2020) 145 (5) 1768-1776.
Schilly, K.M., Gunawardhana, S.M., Wijesinghe, M.B. and Lunte, S.M., Biological applications of microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection: in vivo monitoring and cell analysis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2020) 412 (24) 6101-6119.
Fresta, C.G., Fidilio, A., Lazzarino, G., Musso, N., Grasso, M., Merlo, S., Amorini, A.M., Bucolo, C., Tavazzi, B., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S.M., Caraci and Caruso, G., Modulation of pro-oxidant and pro-inflammatory activities of M1 macrophages by the natural dipeptide carnosine, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, (2020) 21(3), 776.
Gunasekara, D.B., Wijesinghe, M.B., Pichetsurnthorn, P., Lunte, S.M. Evaluation of dual electrode configurations for microchip electrophoresis used for voltammetric characterization of electroactive species. Analyst, (2020) 145 (3) 865-872.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Fidilio, A., O'Donnell, F., Musso, N., Lazzarino, G., Grasso, M., Amorini, A.M., Tascedda, F., Bucolo, C., Drago, F., Tavazzi, B., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S.M., Caraci, F. Carnosine Decreases PMA-Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation in Murine Macrophages. Antioxidants (Basel). (2019), 8(8), 281.
Furness, A.M., Pal, R., Michaelis, E.K., Lunte, C.E., Lunte, S.M., Neurochemical Investigation of Multiple Locally Induced Seizures using Microdialysis Sampling: Epilepsy Effects on Glutamate Release. Brain Res. (2019),1722, 146360.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Grasso, M., Santangelo, R., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S.M., Caraci, F. Inflammation as the common biological link between depression and cardiovascular diseases: Can carnosine exert a protective role? Curr Med Chem. (2020) 27 (11) 1782-1800.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C., Lazzarino, G., Distefano, D.A., Pariascino, P., Lunte, S.M., Lazzarino, G. and F. Caraci, Sub-toxic human amylin fragment concentrations promote the survival and proliferation of SH-SYSY cells via the release of VEGF and Hep B5 from endothelial RBE4 cells, International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018) 19 (11) 3659/1-3659/18.
Bressan, L.P., de Jesus, D.P., DaSilva, JAF, Gunesekara, D.B. and Lunte, S.M., Microchip electrophoresis containing electrodes for integrated electrochemical detection, Methods in Molecular Biology (2019) 1906:79-85.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Musso, N., Giambirotone, M., Grasso, Spampinato, S., Merlo, S., Drago, F., Lazzarino, G., Sortino, M., Lunte, S.M., M., Caraci, F., Carnosine prevents Aβ-induced oxidative stress and inflammation in microglial cells: a key role of TGF-β1, Cells (2019) 8 (1) 64.
Griffin, J.D., Christopher, M.A., Thati, S., Salash, J.R., Pressnal, M.M., Weerasekara, D.B., Lunte, S.M. and Berkland, C.J., Tocopherol emulsions as functional autoantigen delivery vehicle evoke therapeutic efficacy in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Molecular Pharmaceutics (2019) 16(2), 607-617.
Gunawardhana, S.M. and Lunte, S.M., Continuous monitoring of adenosine and its metabolites using microdialysis coupled to microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection, Analytical Methods, (2018) 10 (30) 3737-3744.
Siegel, J.M., Schilly, K.M., Wijesinghe, M.B., Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Lunte, S.M., Optimization of a microchip electrophoresis method with electrochemical detection for the determination of nitrite in macrophage cells as an indicator of nitric oxide production, Analytical Methods, (2019)11(2):148-156.
Fresta, C.G., Chakraborty, A., Wijesinghe, M.B., Amorini, A.M., Lazzarino, G., Lazzarino, G., Tavazzi, B., Lunte, S.M., Caraci, F., Dhar, P., Caruso, G. Non-toxic engineered carbon nanodiamond concentrations induce oxidative/nitrosative stress, imbalance of energy metabolism, and mitochondrial dysfunction in microglial and alveolar basal epithelial cells. Cell Death Dis. (2018) 9(2):245.
Saylor, R.A. and Lunte, S.M. PDMS/glass hybrid device with a reusable carbon electrode for on-line monitoring of catecholamines using microdialysis sampling coupled to microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection. Electrophoresis (2018) 39(3):462-469.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Siegel, J.M., Wijesinghe, M.B., Lunte, S.M. Microchip electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection for the determination of the ratio of nitric oxide to superoxide production in macrophages during inflammation. Anal Bioanal Chem. (2017) 409(19): 4529-4538.
Caruso, G., Fresta, C.G., Martinez-Becerra, F., Antonio, L., Johnson, R.T., de Campos, R.P., Siegel, J.M., Wijesinghe, M.B., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S.M. Carnosine modulates nitric oxide in stimulated murine RAW 264.7 macrophages. Mol Cell Biochem. (2017) 431(1-2): 197-210.
Hogard, M.L., Lunte, C.E., Lunte, S.M. Detection of reactive aldehyde biomarkers in biological samples using solid-phase extraction pre-concentration and liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection. Analytical Methods (2017); 9:1848-1854.
Caruso, G., Distefano, D.A., Parlascino, P., Fresta, C.G., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S.M., Nicoletti, V.G. Receptor-mediated toxicity of human amylin fragment aggregated by short- and long-term incubations with copper ions. Mol Cell Biochem. (2017); 425(1-2), 85-93.
Fresta, C., Hogard, M., Caruso, G., Melo Costa, E., Lazzarino, G., Lunte, S. Monitoring carnosine uptake by RAW 264.7 macrophage cells using microchip electrophoresis with fluorescence detection. Analytical Methods (2017); 9:402-408.
Wijesinghe, M., Gunasekara, D., Lunte, S.M. Development of an Electrochemically Generated Fluorescence Reporter System for Microchip Electrophoresis Based on a Bipolar Electrode. Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, MicroTAS 2016.
Al-Hossaini, A.M., Suntornsuk, L., Lunte, S.M. Separation of dynorphin peptides by capillary electrochromatography using a polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride gold nanoparticle-modified capillary. Electrophoresis, (2016) 37(17-18):2297-304.
Oborny, N.J., Costa, E.E., Suntornsuk, L., Abreu, F.C., Lunte, S.M. Evaluation of a Portable Microchip Electrophoresis Fluorescence Detection System for the Analysis of Amino Acid Neurotransmitters in Brain Dialysis Samples. Anal Sci. (2016); 32(1):35-40.
de Campos, R.P., Siegel, J.M., Fresta, C.G., Caruso, G., da Silva, J.A., Lunte, S.M. Indirect detection of superoxide in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells using microchip electrophoresis coupled to laser-induced fluorescence. Anal Bioanal Chem. (2015) 407(23):7003-12.
Saylor, R.A., Reid, E.A., Lunte, S.M. Microchip electrophoresis with electrochemical detection for the determination of analytes in the dopamine metabolic pathway. Electrophoresis, (2015) (16):1912-9.
Nuchtavorn, N., Suntornsuk, W., Lunte, S.M., Suntornsuk, L. Recent applications of microchip electrophoresis to biomedical analysis. J Pharm Biomed Anal. (2015) 113:72-96.
Saylor, R. and Lunte, S.M., A review of microdialysis coupled to microchip electrophoresis for monitoring biological events, Journal of Chromatography, 1382, (2015) 1382:48-64.
Scott, D.E., Willis, S.D., Gabbert, S., Johnson, D.A., Naylor, E., Janle, E.M., Krichevsky, J.E., Lunte, C.E. and Lunte, S.M., Development of an on-animal separation based sensor for monitoring drug metabolism in freely roaming sheep, Analyst, (2015) 140(11):3820-9.
Meneses, D., Gunasekara, D.B., Pichetsurnthorn, P., daSilva, J.A.F., de Abreu, F.C. and Lunte, S.M., Evaluation of in-channel amperometric detection using a dual-channel microchip electrophoresis device and a two-electrode potentiostat for reverse polarity separations, Electrophoresis, (2015) 36(3):441-8.
Lucca, B.G., Lunte, S.M., Coltro, W.K.T. and Ferreira, V.S., Determination of natural antioxidants in beverages with PDMS electrophoresis microchips coupled with electrochemical detection, Electrophoresis, (2014), 35(23), 3363-3370.
Linz, T.H. and Lunte, S.M., Determinations of methylarginines in infant plasma by CE-LIF, Analytical Methods, (2014) 6(12) 3990-3994.
Creamer, J.S, Oborny, N.J. and Lunte, S.M., Recent advances in the analysis of therapeutic proteins by capillary and microchip electrophoresis, Analytical Methods, (2014), 6 (15) 5427-5449.
Gunasekara, D.B., Siegel, J., Caruso, G., Hulvey, M.K., and Lunte, S.M Microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection method for profiling cellular nitrosative stress markers, Analyst, (2014) 139 (13) 3265-3273.
Creamer, J.S., Krauss, S. and Lunte, S.M., Capillary electrophoresis separation of the desamino degradation products of oxytocin, Electrophoresis, 34 (2014) 563-569.
Scott, D.E., Grigsby, R. and Lunte, S.M., Microdialysis coupled to microchip electrophoresis with integrated amperometric detection on an all-glass substrate, ChemPhysChem, 14 (2013) 2288-2294.
Regel, A. and Lunte, S.M., Integration of a graphite/PMMA composite electrode into a PMMA substrate for electrochemical detection in microchips, Electrophoresis, 24 (2013) 2101-2106.
Nandi, P., Scott D.E., Desai, D., and Lunte, S.M., Development and optimization of an integrated PDMS based microdialysis microchip electrophoresis device with on-chip derivatization for continuous monitoring of primary amines, Electrophoresis, 34 (2013) 895-902.
Linz, T.H. and Lunte, S.M., Heat-assisted extraction for the determination of methylarginines in serum by capillary electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, 34 (2013) 1693-1700.
Metto, E.C., Evans, K., Barney, P. Culbertson, A.H., Gunasekara, D., Caruso, G., Hulvey, M.K., daSilva, J.A.F., Lunte, S.M. and Culbertson, C.T., Integrated microfluidic device for monitoring nitric oxide in single T-lymphocytes (Jurkat) cells, Analytical Chemistry, (2013) 85(21):10188-95.
Sloan, C.K., Audus, K.L., Aldrich, J.A. and Lunte, S.M., The permeation of dynorphin A 1-6 across the blood brain barrier and its effect on bovine brain microvessel endothelial cell monolayer permeability, Peptides, 38 (2012) 414-417.
Gunasekara, D.B., Hulvey, M.K., Lunte, S.M. and da Silva, J.A.F., Microchip electrophoresis with amperometric detection for the study of generation nitric oxide by NONOate salts, Analytical Bioanalytical Chemistry, (2012) 403 (8) 2377-2384.
Sloan, C.K., Nandi, P., Linz, T.H., Aldrich, J.V., Audus, K.L. and Lunte, S.M., Analytical and biological methods for probing blood brain barrier function, Annual Reviews in Analytical Chemistry, (invited), (2012) 17, 24-31.
Mainz, E.R., Gunasekara, D.B., Caruso, G., Jensen, D.T., Hulvey, M.K., daSilva, J.A.F., Metto, E.C., Culbertson, A.H., Culbertson, C.T. and Lunte, S.M., Monitoring intracellular nitric oxide production using microchip electrophoresis with laser induced fluorescence detection, Analytical Methods, (2012) 4, 414-420.
Linz, T.H., Snyder, C.M., and Lunte, S.M., Optimization of the separation of NDA-derivatized methylarginines by capillary and microchip electrophoresis, Journal of Laboratory Automation, (2012) 17(1) 24-31.
Gunasekara, D. B., Hulvey, M. K. and Lunte, S. M., In-channel amperometric detection for microchip electrophoresis using a wireless isolated potentiostat. Electrophoresis (2011), 32(8), 832-837.
Vazquez, M., Frankenfeld, C., Coltro, W.K.T., Carrilho, E., Diamond, D. and Lunte, S.M., Dual contactless conductivity and amperometric detection on hybrid PDMS/glass electrophoresis microchips. Analyst, 135(1), 2010, 96-103.
Nandi, P., Desai, D. P, and Lunte, S. M., Development of a PDMS-based microchip electrophoresis device for continuous online in vivo monitoring of microdialysis samples. Electrophoresis (2010), 31(8), 1414-1422.
Kuhnline, C. and Lunte, S.M., Evaluation of an on-capillary copper complexation methodology for the investigation of in vitro metabolism of dynorphin A 1-17. J. Sep. Sci., 33(16), 2506-14, 2010.
Hulvey, M. K., Lunte, S. M., Fischer, D. J. and Kuhnline, C. D., Electrochemical Detection Methods Following Liquid Chromatography, Capillary Electrophoresis, and Microchip Electrophoresis Separations. Encyclopedia of Analytical Chemistry. Web edition, 2010.
Hulvey, M. K., Frankenfeld, C. N., Lunte, S. M., Separation and Detection of Peroxynitrite Using Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection, Analytical Chemistry, (2010), 82(5), 1608-1611.
Nandi, P. and Lunte, S.M., Recent trends in microdialysis sampling integrated with conventional and microanalytical systems for monitoring biological events: A review. Analytical Chimica Acta, 651, 2009, 1-14.
Fischer, D. J., Hulvey, M. K., Regel, A. R., and Lunte, S. M., Amperometric detection in microchip electrophoresis devices: Effect of electrode material and alignment on analytical performance, Electrophoresis, 30, 19, 2009, 3324 – 3333.
Coltro, W.K. T. , Lunte, S.M. and Carrilho, E., Comparison of the analytical performance of electrophoresis microchannels fabricated in poly(dimethylsiloxane), glass, and polyester-toner, Electrophoresis, (2008) 29, 1-10.
Aldrich, J.V., Patkar, K.J., Chappa, A. K. , Fang, W., Audus, K.L., Lunte, S.M., Carey, A.N., and McLaughlin, J.P., Development of Centrally Acting Peptide Analogs: Structure-Transport Studies and Pharmacological Evaluation of Analogs of the Opioid Peptide Dynorphin A, Proceedings of the Fourth International Peptide Symposium, (2008).
Cooper, Joshua D.; Heppert, Kathleen E.; Davies, Malonne I.; Lunte, Susan M.. Evaluation of an osmotic pump for microdialysis sampling in an awake and untethered rat. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, (2007), 160(2), 269-275.
Chappa, Arvind K.; Cooper, Joshua D.; Audus, Kenneth L.; Lunte, Susan M., Investigation of the metabolism of substance P at the blood-brain barrier using LC-MS/MS, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2007), 43(4), 1409-1415.
Huynh, B.H., Fogarty, B.A., Nandi, P., and Lunte, S.M., An Easily Assembled Microchip Electrophoresis Device with On-line Microdialysis Sampling and On-chip Sample Derivatization by Naphthalene 2,3 Dicarboxaldehyde / 2-Mercaptoethanol, J. Pharm. Biomedical Analysis, (2006) 42: 529-534.
Li, M.W., Huynh, B.H., Hulvey, M.K., Lunte, S.M. and Martin, R.S., Design and Characterization of Poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based Valves for Interfacing Continuous-Flow Sampling to Microchip Electrophoresis, Anal. Chem. (2006) 78 1042-1051.
Chappa, A.K., Audus K.L., and Lunte S.M., Characteristics of Substance P Transport across the Blood Brain Barrier, Pharm. Research, (2006) 23 (6) 1201-1208.
Frankenfeld, C.N., Rosenbaugh, M.R, Fogarty, B.A. and Lunte, S.M., Separation and Detection of Peroxynitrite and its Metabolites by Capillary Electrophoresis with UV Detection, J. Chromatography A, (2006) 111 (2) 147-152.
Fischer, D., Vandaveer, W.R. IV, Grigsby, R.J. and Lunte S.M., Pyrolyzed Photoresist Carbon Electrodes for Microchip Electrophoresis with Dual Electrode Amperometric Detection, Electroanalysis, (2005), 17, 1153-1159.
Fogarty, B.A, Cory, T., Heppert, K., Martin, R.S. and Lunte, S.; Rapid Fabrication of Poly(dimethylsiloxane) Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis Devices using CO2 Laser Ablation, The Analyst, (2005), 130, 924-930.
Vandaveer, W.R.; Pasas-Farmer, S.A.; Fischer, D.J.; Frankenfeld, C.N.; Lunte, S.M.; Recent Developments in Electrochemical Detection for Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis, Electrophoresis, (2004), 25, 3528-3549.
Huynh, B, Fogarty, B.A., Martin, R.S., and Lunte, S.M., On-line coupling of Microdialysis Sampling with Microchip-based Capillary Electrophoresis for Continuous Monitoring Applications, Analytical Chemistry, (2004) 76(21): 6440-6447.
Lacher, N.A.; Martin, R.S.; Lunte, S.M.; Development of a microfabricated and fully-integrated palladium decoupler/electrochemical detector for analyzing neurotransmitters by microchip capillary electrophoresis, Anal. Chem., (2004) 76(9): 2482-2491.
Lichtenberg, J, Ceriotti, L; Lacher, NA; Lunte, SM, de Rooij, N.F.; Verpoorte, E.; “Microfluidic Device for Nucleic Acid Fragementation by Shear Force”, Proc. Micro Total Analysis Systems2003 (Nara, Japan, November 2-7, 2002): 172-174.
Lacher, Nathan A.; de Rooij, Nico F.; Verpoorte, Elisabeth; Lunte, Susan M.; Comparison of the performance characteristics of poly(dimethylsiloxane) and Pyrex microchip electrophoresis devices for peptide separations, Journal of Chromatography, A (2003), 1004(1-2): 225-235.
Rose, M. J.; Lunte, S. M.; Carlson, R.G. and Stobaugh, J.F. Amino acid and peptide analysis using derivatization with p-nitrophenol-2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetate bis-tetrahydropyranyl ether and capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis (2003), 30(6): 1851-1859.
Martin, R. Scott; Lunte, Susan M.; Editors. Paper symposium on electrochemical detection for capillary and microchip electrophoresis. Electrophoresis, 2002; 23(21) 137 pp.
Loupe, Pippa S.; Zhou, Xiao; Davies, Malonne I.; Schroeder, Stephen R.; Tessel, Richard E.; Lunte, Susan M., Fixed ratio discrimination training increases in vivo striatal dopamine in neonatal 6-OHDA-lesioned rats. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior (2002), 74(1): 61-71.
Wang, Joseph; Pumera, Martin; Chatrathi, Madhu Prakash; Rodriguez, Adrian; Spillman, Scott; Martin, R. Scott; Lunte, Susan M., Thick-film electrochemical detectors for poly(dimethylsiloxane)-based microchip capillary electrophoresis. Electroanalysis (2002), 14(18): 1251-1255.
Kikura-Hanajiri, Ruri; Martin, R. Scott; Lunte, Susan M., Indirect Measurement of Nitric Oxide Production by Monitoring Nitrate and Nitrite Using Microchip Electrophoresis with Electrochemical Detection. Analytical Chemistry (2002), 74(24): 6370-6377.
Levi, Micha; Knol, James A.; Ensminger, William D.; Deremer, Susan J.; Dou, Chunzhi; Lunte, Susan M.; Bonner, Heather S.; Shaw, Leslie M.; Smith, David E. Regional pharmacokinetics of amifostine in anesthetized dogs: role of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and kidneys. Drug Metabolism and Disposition (2002), 30(12): 1425-1430.
Vandaveer, Walter R., IV; Pasas, Stephanie A.; Martin, R. Scott; Lunte, Susan M. Recent developments in amperometric detection for microchip capillary electrophoresis. Electrophoresis (2002), 23(21): 3667-3677.
Pasas, S.A., N.A. Lacher, N.A., M.I. Davies and S.M. Lunte, Detection of homocysteine by conventional and microchip capillary electrophoresis/electrochemical chemistry. Electrophoresis. (2002) 23: 759-766.
Lacher, N.A., K.E. Garrison and S.M. Lunte, Separation and detection of angiotensin peptides by Cu(II) complexation and capillary electrophoresis with UV and electrochemical detection, Electrophoresis (2002) 23(11):1577-1584.
Martin, R.S., K.L. Ratzlaff, B.H. Huyhn and S.M. Lunte, In-channel electrochemical detection for microchip capillary electrophoresis using an electrically isolated potentiostat, Anal. Chem. (2002) 74(5): 1136-1143.
Freed, A.L., K.L. Audus and S.M. Lunte, Investigation of substance P transport across the blood-brain barrier, Peptides (2002) 23(1): 157-165.
Freed, A.L., K.L. Audus and S.M. Lunte, Investigation of the metabolism of substance P at the blood-brain barrier by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, Electrophoresis (2001) 22(17): 3778-3784.
Lacher, N.A., K.E. Garrison, R.S. Martin and S.M. Lunte, Microchip capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry, Electrophoresis (2001) 22: 2526-2536.
Gawron, A.J., R.S. Martin and S.M. Lunte, Microchip electrophoretic separation systems for biomedical and pharmaceutical analysis, Eur. J. Pharm. Sci. (2001) 1: 1-12.
Hansen, D.K., D.O. Scott, K.W. Otis, M. Reis, D. Larsen, P.C. Toren and S.M. Lunte, Comparison of in vitro BBMEC permeability and in vivo CNS uptake using microdialysis sampling, J. Pharm. Biomed Anal., (2002) 27(6):945-58.
Gawron, A.J., R.S. Martin and S.M. Lunte, Fabrication and evaluation of a carbon-based dual electrode detector for poly(dimethylsiloxane) electrophoresis chips, Electrophoresis, (2001) 22: 242-248.
Martin, R.S., A.J. Gawron, B.A. Fogarty, F.B. Regan, E. Dempsey and S.M. Lunte, Carbon paste-based electrochemical detectors for microchip capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry, Analyst (2001) 127: 277-280.
Freed, A.L., J.D. Cooper, M.I. Davies and S.M. Lunte, Investigation of the metabolism of substance P in rat striatum by microdialysis sampling and capillary electrophoresis with laser-induce fluorescence detection, J. Neurosci. Meth., (2001) 109(1): 23-29.
Gawron, A. and S.M. Lunte, Detection of neuropeptides using on-capillary copper complexation and capillary electrophoresis with electrochemical detection, Electrophoresis, (2000) 21: 3205–3211.
Davies, M.I., J.D. Cooper, S.S. Desmond, C.E. Lunte and S.M. Lunte, Analytical considerations for microdialysis sampling, Adv. Drug Deliv. (2000) 45: 169–188.
Martin, R.S., A.J. Gawron and S.M. Lunte, Dual electrode electrochemical detection on poly(dimethylsiloxane)-fabricated capillary electrophoresis microchips, Anal. Chem. (2000) 72: 3196–3202.
Perkins, M, R. Theiler, S.Lunte and M. Jeschke, Determination of the origin of charge heterogenity in a mural monoclonal antibody, Pharm. Res. (2000) 17: 1110–1117.
Weiss, D.J., C.E. Lunte and S.M. Lunte, In vivo microdialysis as a tool for monitoring pharmacokinetics. Trends Anal. Chem. (2000) 19: 606–616.
Gawron, A. and S.M. Lunte, Optimization of the conditions for biuret complex formation for the determination of peptides by capillary electrophoresis with ultraviolet detection, Electrophoresis (2000) 21: 2067–2073.
Freed, A.L. and S.M. Lunte, Separation of CBI-SP and its derivatized metabolites by micellar electrokinetic chromatography, Electrophoresis, (2000) 21: 1992–1996.
Henry, C.S., M. Zhong, S.M. Lunte, M. Kim, H. Bau and J.J. Santiago, Ceramic microchips for capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry, Anal. Commun. (1999) 36: 305–311.
Larive, C.K., S.M. Lunte, M. Zhong, M. Perkins, G.S. Wilson, G. Gokulrangan, T. Williams, F. Afroz, C. Schöneich, T.S. Derrick, C.R. Middaugh, and S. Bogdanowich-Knipp, Separation and analysis of peptides and proteins, Anal. Chem. (1999) 71: 389R–423R.
Rose, M.J., S.M. Lunte, R.G. Carlson and J.F. Stobaugh, Hydroquinone based derivatization reagents for the quantitation of amines using electrochemical detection, Anal. Chem. (1999) 71: 2221–2230.
Holland, L.A., N.M. Harmony and S.M. Lunte, Characterization of an integrated on-capillary dual electrode for capillary electrophoresis-electrochemistry, Electroanalysis, (1999) 11: 327–330.
Rose, M.J., J.M. Rose, S.M. Lunte, K.L. Audus, R.G. Carlson and J.F. Stobaugh, Determination of angiotensin II in blood-brain barrier permeability studies using microbore LC with p-nitro-phenyl-2,5-dihydroxyphenylacetate bis-tetrahydropyranyl ether as a preseparation electrochemical labeling reagent, Anal. Chim. Acta (1999) 394: 299–305.
Hansen, D.K., M.I. Davies, S.M. Lunte and C.E. Lunte, Microdialysis sampling for pharmaco-logical studies, J. Pharm. Sci., (1999) 88: 14–27. 65. Holland, L.A. and S.M. Lunte, Postcolumn reaction detection for capillary electrophoresis-electrochemistry employing dual electrode detection and electrogenerated bromine, Anal. Chem. (1999), 71: 407–412.
Zhong, M. and S.M. Lunte, Dual electrode detection system for the determination of thiols and disulfides following capillary electrophoresis separation, Anal. Chem (1999), 71: 251–255.
Cunneen, J., L. Yu-Cheng, S. Caraffini, J.G. Boyd, P.J. Hesketh, S.M. Lunte and G.S. Wilson, A positive displacement micropump for microdialysis, Mechantronics (1998) 8(5): 561-583.
Zhou, J-X., H. Zuo, D.M. Heckert, C.E. Lunte and S.M. Lunte, On-line coupling of micro-dialysis with capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry, Anal. Chim. Acta. (1998) 379: 307–317.
Holland, L.A., and S.M. Lunte, Capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrochemical detection: A review of recent advances, Anal. Commun. (1998) 35: 1H-4H.
Zhong, M., and S.M. Lunte, Development and characterization of an integrated on-capillary tubular electrode for capillary electrophoresis/electrochemistry, Anal. Commun. (1998) 35: 209–212.
Weber, P.L., M. Malis, S.D. Palmer, T.L. Klein and S.M. Lunte, Capillary zone electrophoresis separation of tryptophan and its metabolites, including quinolinic acid, J. Chromatogr. B. (1997). 697: 263–268.
Kostel, K.L. and S.M. Lunte, Evaluation of capillary electrophoresis with postcolumn derivatization and laser-induced fluorescence detection for the determination of substance P, J. Chromatogr. B (1997). 695: 27–38.
Holland, L.A., N,P. Chetwyn, M.D. Perkins and S.M. Lunte, Capillary electrophoresis in pharmaceutical analysis, Pharm. Res. (1997). 14: 372–387.
Hansen, D.K. and S.M. Lunte, Determination of kynurenic acid by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detection, J. Chromatogr. A (1997). 781: 81–89.
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Books & Book Chapters
Lunte, S.M. and D.M. Radzik, Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis, S.M. Lunte and D.M. Radzik, Eds., Vol. 2 in Progress in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Series Eds., C.M. Riley and A.F. Fell, 1996.
Saylor R.A., Lunte S.M. (2022) Role of Bioanalytical Chemistry in the Twenty-First Century. In: Kubota L.T., da Silva J.A.F., Sena M.M., Alves W.A. (eds) Tools and Trends in Bioanalytical Chemistry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-82381-8_2 .
Oborny, N., Hogard, M. and Lunte, S., Separation-based Sensors using Microchip Electrophoresis with Microdialysis for Monitoring Glutamate and Other Bioactive Amines, in Biochemical Approaches for Glutamatergic Neurotransmission, S. Parrot and L. Denoroy (editors), Neuromethods, Vol. 130. Humana Press, New York, NY (2018) 353-393.
Saylor, R. A., Ph.D., Thomas, S., Ph.D., & Lunte, S. M., Ph.D., Separation-based methods combined with microdialysis sampling for monitoring neurotransmitters and drug delivery to the brain in Compendium of In-Vivo Monitoring in Real-time Molecular Neuroscience – Volume 2: Microdialysis and Sensing of Neural Tissues, G. Wilson and A. Michael (editors), World Scientific (2017) 2, 1-45.
Siegel, J., Campos, R., Gunasekara, D., daSilva, F. and Lunte, S.M., Electrophoretic Methods for Separation of Peroxynitrate and Related Compounds, in Peroxynitrite Detection in Biological Media: Challenges and Advances, S. Peteu (editor) RSC Press, 7 (2015): 121.
Gunasekara, D., Wijesinghe, M.B., Saylor, R.A. and Lunte, S.M., Principles and Strategies for Microchip Electrophoresis with Amperometric Detection, in Electrochemical Strategies in Detection Science, D. Arrigan (editor), RSC Press, 3 (2015): 85.
Ducey, M.W., Regel, A.R., Nandi, P., Lunte, C.E. and Lunte, S.M., Neurochemical applications of microdialysis sampling: analytical approaches and challenges, in Comprehensive Sampling and Sample Preparation (2012), J. Pawliszyn and H. Lord, (editors), Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Nandi, P., Kuhnline, C.D. and Lunte, S.M., Analytical Consideratons for microdialysis sampling, Edited by T.H. Tsai, in Applications of Microdialysis in Pharmaceutical Science, (2011), 39-92. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, N.J.
Nandi, P., Lunte, S. M., Microdialysis sampling as a sample preparation method Edited by Pawliszyn, Janusz; Lord, Heather L., in Handbook of Sample Preparation (2010), 103-123. A. John Wiley & Sons.
Fogarty, B. A., Nandi, P. , Lunte, S.M.. Microdialysis and microchip systems. Editor(s): Landers, James P. Handbook of Capillary and Microchip Electrophoresis and Associated Microtechniques (3rd Edition) (2008), 1327-1340. CRC Press LLC, Boca Raton, Fla.
Frankenfeld, C. and Lunte, S.M., Pharmaceutical Analysis using BioMEMS, in Bio-MEMS Devices and Systems, W. Wang and S. Soper (editors), CRC Press, (2007) 443-465.
Chappa, A.K., Desino, K.E., Lunte, S.M. and Audus, K.L., Functional Aspects of Vasoactive Peptides at the Blood-Brain Barrier, Handbook of Biologically Active Peptides, Abba Kastin (editor), (2006), 204, 1479-1486.
Stephanie Pasas, Barbara Fogarty, Bryan Huynh, Nathan Lacher, Brian Carlson, Scott Martin, Walter Vandaveer IV, Susan Lunte, “Separation Methods in Microanalytical Systems”, in Detection on Microchips: principles, challenges, hyphenation and integration, Jörg P. Kutter and Yolanda Fintschenko (Editors), CRC Press, (2006), 433-497.
Fogarty, B., Lacher, N., and Lunte, S. M., Microchip capillary electrophoresis – application to peptide analysis. In: Methods in molecular biology, (Microchip Capillary Electrophoresis) C. Henry (editor), (2006), 39, 159-186.
Malonne Davies, Bryan Huynh, Sara Logan, Kathleen Heppert, and Susan Lunte, “Studies on Animal to Instrument Hyphenation: Development of Separation-based Sensors for Near Real-Time Monitoring of Drugs and Neurotransmitters”, in Sample Preparation for Hyphenated Techniques, Jack Rosenfeld (editor), Blackwell Publishing, (2004), 191-220.
Rose, M.J., S.M. Lunte, R.G. Carlson and J.F. Stobaugh, Transformation of analytes for electro-chemical detection: A review of chemical and physical approaches, Advances in Chromatography (2001), 41 203-248.
Susan M. Lunte, R. Scott Martin, and Craig E. Lunte, “Capillary Electrophoresis/Electrochemistry: Instrument Design and Bioanalytical Applications,” Electroanalytical Methods for Biological Materials (2002), 461-490. In Bioanalytical Applications of Electrochemistry, J.Q. Chambers and A. Brajter-Toth eds., Marcel Dekker: New York, 2002; pp. 461-490.
Lunte, S.M., C.E. Lunte, and P.T. Kissinger, Electrochemical detection in liquid chromatography and flow injection analysis, in Laboratory Techniques in Electroanalytical Chemistry, W.R. Heineman and P.T. Kissinger, Eds., 2nd ed., 1996, pp. 813–853.
Ware, B.R., Lunte, S.M., and Gardiner, K., Electrophoresis, in McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology, 9th Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 2002, Volume 6.
Lunte, S.M. and D.M. Radzik, Introduction and theory for capillary electrophoresis, in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications of Capillary Electrophoresis, S.M. Lunte and D.M. Radzik, Eds., Vol. 2, 1996, pp. 3–21.
Lunte, S.M., Amino acid analysis, in Encyclopedia of Analytical Science, R. Macrae, Ed., Vol. 1, 1995, pp. 81–90.
Lunte, S.M. and C.E. Lunte, Microdialysis sampling for pharmacological studies: HPLC and CE analysis, in Advances in Chromatography, E. Grushka and P. Brown, Eds., Marcel Dekker, Inc.: New York, NY. Vol. 36, 1996, pp. 383–432.
Riley, C.M., J.F. Stobaugh, and S.M. Lunte, Novel approaches to the liquid chromatographic analysis of primary amines, amino acids and peptides, in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications of Liquid Chromatography, C.M. Riley, J. Lough, and I. Wainer, Eds., Vol. 1 in Progress in Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis, Series Eds., C.M. Riley and A.F. Fell, 1994, pp. 41–89.